ADKAR is probably the most well-known abbreviation in change management. It has been used by organizations all over the world, to successfully guide their transformation strategies. And rightfully so!
After studying over 700 organizations to understand what drives successful organizational change initiatives, the answer of Jeff Hiatt (founder of @ Prosci) was loud and clear: people.
In short: organizations can only change when individuals do.

Here are the five elements of the ADKAR model:
Create an understanding among individuals about the need for change. This involves communicating the reasons, benefits, and consequences of the proposed change.
Encourage employees to develop a personal motivation or desire to support the change. Address any resistance, fears, or concerns that individuals may have.
Focus on providing individuals with the necessary information and skills to support the change. This includes education and training programs, and will help individuals acquire the knowledge and capabilities required to adapt to the change.
Ensure that individuals can effectively apply their knowledge in practical situations. Create opportunities for practice, offering coaching and support.
Sustain the change and prevent individuals from reverting to old habits or practices by creating mechanisms that reinforce the change. Think of recognition, rewards, and feedback systems.
Let’s see if the ADKAR model fits your change initiative.
Choose the ADKAR Model if:
The change requires individuals to acquire new skills and behaviors.
Think about software implementations, but also new ways of working and process changes.
If you want to teach 20.000 employees to work agile, it makes sense to choose the ADKAR model. Because you’re not only trying to overcome resistance. You’re also instilling new behaviors into the everyday work-life of employees.
Do you need help/support with your change & transformation challenges?
SPRING TODAY provides the Change & Transformation experts who speak the language of the organization and understand the challenges and complexity of the context. They connect, create movement and set a route to “the organization of tomorrow!’’