Jul 29, 2022
Does investing in people actually benefit organizations? And how can those efforts relate to the bottom line of your organization? Honnold has great skill and discipline, but he is also blessed with a special brain: an MRI scan has shown that his brain doesn’t...
Jun 19, 2022
A few weeks ago, we had an inspiring Community Meet-Up session with Doris Gottlieb where we focused on the topic ‘Engage Through Engagement’. First, we discussed questions to get more insight into the definition of engagement for your employees: Question 1: What is...
nov 9, 2021
Capability building goes well beyond traditional training of employees, according to McKinsey & Company. It is about fundamentally changing how the work gets done. It is also one of the best ways to energize people, from the C-suite to the factory floor, to...
mei 18, 2021
Many organizations think that a lot of work will be taken over by robots, but that will not be so, says Henk Volberda. Invest in your staff! Henk tells his story to managementimpact.nl. In Volberda’s new book Innovation Jij.nu, he discusses innovation issues...
apr 9, 2021
The Covid-19 period was turbulent and had a lot of impact on people, organizations, and the world. However, we can learn a lot from the past, and use this knowledge for the future. Because dealing with uncertainty may be a certainty for leaders. McKinsey & Company...