mei 18, 2021
Many organizations think that a lot of work will be taken over by robots, but that will not be so, says Henk Volberda. Invest in your staff! Henk tells his story to In Volberda’s new book Innovation, he discusses innovation issues...
apr 9, 2021
The Covid-19 period was turbulent and had a lot of impact on people, organizations, and the world. However, we can learn a lot from the past, and use this knowledge for the future. Because dealing with uncertainty may be a certainty for leaders. McKinsey & Company...
Jan 14, 2021
We need connecting leaders! A touching video (dutch spoken) by Jan Rotmans, Prof. Sustainable Transformation, indicates that organizations need connectors to guide the necessary transformations that are needed today. The video of Prof. Jan Rotmans touches exactly the...
Jan 11, 2021
“Can’t I look for candidates myself in the current times?” The added value of a Search and Mediation Agency in the search for suitable professionals can sometimes be questioned nowadays. And yes… On LinkedIn you can find countless professionals...
Jun 24, 2020
Our meeting on June 18 of the Change Management Platform NL was again very successful! The highlight was guest speaker Jan Rotmans, Professor of Transition Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The theme of this meeting: In Times of Crisis; what does that mean for...