An interview with global change leads about the state of change

SPRINGTODAY The interim, search & consultancy organization with the best experts in the field of Change & Transformation. For organizations Interim & Search Corporate sectorHealth sectorPublic sector For candidates Jobs & Assignments VacanciesWhy...

Fixed versus interim change manager

There are two ways to hire a change manager. Your first thought will most likely be to create a fixed position in your company and recruit accordingly. However, in some cases it might be wise to consider hiring an interim change manager instead.  In order to make the...

Hiring a Change Manager

What should you be looking for when hiring a change manager? Given the high stakes involved with big transformations, it is crucial to find the right person for the job. Someone who: Has experience in a similar organization and/or project scope; Is a personal fit for...

Three Types of Change Agents

A change manager doesn’t work in isolation, but is part of a team of change agents. Generally, the three roles that are needed are: the change manager, project manager, and change leader. In small companies, these roles usually reside in one or two people. In larger...

The benefits of change management

Change doesn’t usually happen unless there is a clear need for it. A “burning platform”, ranging anywhere between “we can be more efficient” and “the survival of our organization is at stake”.   As research consistently shows, change management plays a big part in...