“Can’t I look for candidates myself in the current times?”
The added value of a Search and Mediation Agency in the search for suitable professionals can sometimes be questioned nowadays.
And yes… On LinkedIn you can find countless professionals looking for a new challenge. But does that mean that a brokerage agency is a thing of the past? The opposite is true. SPRING TODAY is happy to show you how we add value in searching for and finding the best expert in the field of Change & Transformation!

The candidate profile
Organizations often think they know the candidate profile they are looking for. Often these profiles are too general and lack depth, resulting in incomplete, general and sometimes vague vacancies, which do not appeal to the right professional at all. Especially if you are looking for a professional working in a niche.
Experience in a ‘niche’
A ‘niche’ such as Change & Transformation. With years of experience in this niche in various industries, SPRING TODAY has a good idea of who these professionals are and what their profile is. We also notice when organizations start searching themselves, that the wrong profiles are often sought. The term ‘Change or Transition Manager’ is often used by candidates and by organizations, but often with different angles or meanings.
Noise in the search
The ‘change’ can, for example, concern a business transformation or more from an HR perspective when it comes to culture/collaboration/leadership issues. The profile can be about a professional who acts as the right hand of a program manager in a program, with the specific task of ensuring that the change is also a supported and sustainable change. But also, for example, a strategic program director or a line manager with a major change assignment. There are also major differences in scope, which influences the expertise required. This broad definition of the term Change Manager creates a lot of noise in the search, but above all the right professionals are not found.
Estimate quality
Organizations also often find it difficult to estimate the quality of professionals, which can be due to various factors, such as a too general recruitment profile, poor assessment of CV, required work experiences, important diplomas and certificates, you name it. Besides the fact that SPRING TODAY has the best Change & Transformation professionals in the picture, we also know very well what a professional looks like. This seems obvious to organizations, but we notice in practice that this is often not the case.
Warm network of professionalsKnowledge and expertise
What is of great importance is that SPRING TODAY is more than just a Search and Interim agency. We are the initiator and organizer of the Change Management Platform. An active, inspiring and impactful platform where Change & Transformation Leaders from the top 100 organizations in the Netherlands & Belgium and the healthcare sector are connected (RvB -1/-2 level). Passionate people who want to help their own organization to the next level. Who have the task – with all the changes that are coming their way – to prepare the organization for this.
It is an inspiring and impactful platform – with ’tables’ of peers – in which knowledge and expertise about Change & Transformation from the participating organizations and from science are brought together, shared and disseminated.
Based on the power of connection, we accelerate knowledge and expertise in change & transformation. This is how we connect and strengthen professionals and thus their organizations.
We are therefore in constant contact with important key function holders from the field and thus have a good overview of developments in the market. What is the change agenda of the various organizations, which strategic themes are being worked on? But also what are the different visions and toolings in the field of Change & Transformation and how, for example, is the internal change capability strengthened? We also quickly get a feel for social developments and how various organizations respond to them. For example, the Corona crisis has increased the need for a flexible layer in order to allow personnel costs to move flexibly.
Like no other, we have a broad picture of what is going on, what the developments are and what is needed where. For our clients, we are therefore a real ‘Partner in Change’ who can think along with you regarding content and process. And we now have a very nice portfolio of clients who only go for the very best candidates in the market, such as Nike, AkzoNobel, ASML, Philips, etc.
Warm network of professionals
We also maintain close contact with the professionals, where we have built up a warm network of long-term relationships in order to be able to switch quickly for clients as soon as change support is required. We would also like to contribute to the personal development of SPRING TODAY candidates. Everyone who is on an assignment via SPRING TODAY automatically becomes a member of the SPRING TODAY Community. A Community of driven change professionals with whom we regularly meet. We offer subject-related training, share best practices with each other and involve each other in the various change methods. An environment where the candidates find fellow experts to spar and learn with.
Finally, each assignment is tailor-made, which makes this a profession in its own right. A profession that we perform with passion! So that your organization receives the best professional(s) in Change & Transformation who can really contribute to the transformation to ’the organization of tomorrow’. This saves unnecessary time and energy, because from experience we notice that organizations get stuck unnecessarily in a search. We are happy to help! Curious how we can further support you in finding professionals in Change & Transformation?
Do you need help with your change & transformation challenges?
SPRING TODAY provides the Change & Transformation experts who speak the language of the organization and understand the challenges and complexity of the context. They connect, create movement and set a route to “the organization of tomorrow!’’